Talking With A Bone Specialist

Did You Experience An Achilles Tendon Rupture During Your Weekend Pick-Up Basketball Game? 3 Tips For A Successful Surgery

Those weekend pick-up basketball games are a lot of fun, and you may love getting to know the other people in your neighborhood. However, it is sometimes possible for things to go wrong, even during an amateur pick-up game. When your Achilles tendon ruptures, you may feel a pop along with tremendous pain. You may also have swelling in your leg and be unable to perform normal movements such as standing on your tiptoes. Although mild Achilles injuries are often treated with rest and physical therapy, a severe rupture may require you to go through surgery. These three tips will help you get through your surgery and recovery so that your foot feels better soon.

Plan Your Treatment as Soon as Possible

An Achilles tendon rupture is often so painful and physically debilitating that you likely need a diagnosis fairly soon after the injury. However, it is common to feel so apprehensive about surgery that you might be tempted to put it off. This is especially true if you live a busy lifestyle where you simply can't be down for several weeks. 

While no one wants to go through a surgery, you do need to know that scheduling yours as soon as possible can have a positive effect upon your recovery. Talk to your orthopedic surgeon about the reasons why they recommend the surgery, and try to schedule yours as soon as they have an opening. This way, you can prevent doing more damage during a lengthy wait.

Take Care of Your General Health

It might be hard or impossible to workout right now considering that your foot is not functioning well. However, you do want to keep up your health to prevent complications after your surgery. Infections are one of the main complications that can occur after your surgical procedure, and these are more easily prevented when you do things such as eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking before your surgery. Your surgeon should also give you a list of pre-op instructions that you need to follow to the letter.

Plan for Your Post-Surgical Rehab

After your surgery, you will need to go through some form of physical therapy to help restore proper functioning to your calf and foot. Your surgeon will recommend the best after care treatment plan to fit your needs, but you should plan on spending at least four to six weeks receiving physical therapy. If your therapist prescribes exercises to do at home, then make sure to do them. With proper care, you should be able to get back out on the basketball court and enjoy a game without being in major pain.
